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26th March 2020

Women in the Spotlight – Charlotte Atherton


Lancashire LEPNorthern Powerhouse Investment FundNPIF FW Capital Debt Finance

To continue our ‘Women in the Spotlight’ series, Charlotte Atherton, Creative Director at NPIF investee business Inleaf, talks about her biggest role models and the best pieces of advice she had been given on her business journey.

Explain your role in the business and what your business does? 

I am the Creative Director of Inleaf and we install and maintain living plants and living walls in businesses.  We also provide artificial plant displays.

How has NPIF helped your business?

NPIF has helped us immensely to grow, to grow our team and client base across the country.

Who would you say is the biggest female influence to you?

My Mother, if she wants something doing, she does it, nothing stops her.

What is the best and most inspiring piece of advice you have been given on your journey to far?

I once read the quote, ‘I can, I will. Watch me’.  Whenever I feel a bit overwhelmed or I am struggling with something, this always seems to pop into my head and gives me the drive to get the job done.

Would you say more needs to be done across all sectors to create a better gender balance? 

Definitely, in my previous career it was very male dominated. Schools and colleges are doing more now to offer career advice for roles and jobs that were once considered more male orientated.  I am recently back off maternity leave and I am lucky that I can go back to the role I left setting my own hours, but it still isn’t easy for women to have that balance of the job they worked hard to get and family life.

What does International Women’s Day mean to you? 

It’s great that a day is dedicated to all women, to celebrate their achievements.

The Northern Powerhouse Investment Fund project is supported financially by the European Union using funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 and the European Investment Bank.

FW Capital Limited is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as a small authorised UK Alternative Investment Fund Manager under firm reference number 506719

Editors Notes



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